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Home > IT Tip Archive > IT Tip: iPhone tricks
IT Tip: iPhone tricks
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The internet is full of iPhone tips and tricks. Here a few that you might actually use:


Hold the 123 Key

Tap and HOLD the “123” key and swipe to the desired character or symbol, then release to type the symbol. The keyboard automatically switches back to the alphabet keys, so you do not need to press the “ABC” key after typing a number or symbol.


Easily Rearrange Icons

You may know that you can tap and hold icons on your screen, and drag them to a new location or another screen. Instead of dragging an icon to the far end of the screen and waiting for the new screen to load (can be maddening if you have many screens), tap and hold the icon then use another finger to quickly swipe through the screens.


To quickly create a folder that contains multiple icons, tap and hold one icon, then use another finger to select other icons you would like to group together. This creates a folder containing all of the selected icons.


Quickly close multiple applications

You may know that you can “swipe off” apps by double tapping the home button and swiping up in each app. To close multiple apps at once, you can swipe up with two fingers to close two apps, three fingers to close three apps, etc. Four fingers is tricky but possible J


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