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Home > iManage Tips and Tricks > IT Tip: Linking Outlook Folders to iManage Folders
IT Tip: Linking Outlook Folders to iManage Folders
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Whether you have dozens of existing Outlook folders, or you are creating new ones, you can easily link them to folders in iManage Work. This enables you to file emails to iManage Work by simply dragging them to your Outlook folders.


To link an existing Outlook folder to an iManage Work folder:


1.      Right-click the folder and select Properties.

2.      Select the File to iManage tab.

3.      Search for the desired matter and select its "Email" folder.

4.      Select OK.

5.      Anything that is already in the folder when you link it will eventually be updated with a check mark icon, (a green icon with a check mark), indicating that it is now filed to iManage. New emails dragged into the folder will also be filed.


To link an Outlook folder when you create it:


1.      Create an Outlook folder. You will be prompted to link it to iManage.

2.      Select Yes.

3.      Search for the desired matter (workspace) and select its "Email" folder.

4.      Select OK.


Linked Folder tips

  • Do you create Outlook rules to automatically move emails to folders? If those rules send emails to a linked folder, those items will automatically file to iManage.

If you create linked folders on your laptop or desktop, you can file emails to them from your mobile device (phone or tablet) and the emails will automatically file to iManage. On an iPhone, swipe left and select Move.

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