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Home > IT Tip Archive > IT Tip: Your QAT is your friend!
IT Tip: Your QAT is your friend!
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Every Microsoft Office application has a Quick Access Toolbar (aka QAT). Here is my Word QAT:



The QAT provides quick one-click access to your most commonly used commands. If you are not making use of this tool, you should be! And it’s so easy to add icons to your QAT. Simply right-click any button in the office toolbar, and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”:



At minimum, I suggest adding the iManage Open, Save As, and New Version icons to your QAT. Also the File “Close” icon is a must have. This one is a big time saver (see previous tip about using “Close” vs. “Exit”).


Now it’s true that these buttons will sometimes disappear due to a Microsoft bug, but taking the time to add them back is well worth the time saved in the long run!

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