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Home > iManage Tips and Tricks > IT Tip: Use quotes and wildcards in iManage searches
IT Tip: Use quotes and wildcards in iManage searches
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Improve your iManage search results by using quote and wildcards. This works in all searches (Documents, Matters, text searches, etc.)


Enclosing your search phrase in quotes will return results containing that exact phrase.

For example:

  • Searching ‘business agreement’ (no quotes) will return results with both words appearing anywhere in the title.
  • Searching “business agreement” (with quotes) will return results with that exact phrase appearing in the title.


Use the wildcard character “*” to take the place of one of more words (or unknown words) in a search.

For example:

  • Searching ‘corp*’ will return results containing “corp”, “corporate”, and “corporation”.


Bonus tip:  Use “and” in the phrase to combine the phrases.

Example:  bus* and “stock certificate”

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